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👑  The Noble and Royal Path



  • Ebreezy31
    Ebreezy31 Posts: 48

    Level 3

    Love the prizes, wish the Royal was less gold bars😭 but I still have fun playing😘

  • Quervo
    Quervo Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Sad for me, i didn't get the event but my wife got it, the royal path i want the even too :( . Please fix it

  • LadyRaffie
    LadyRaffie Posts: 4,124

    Hello everyone!

    Thanks @Spinnifix @Sofia1992 and @bearwithme for your suggestions as well as the ones from @ElizaUG y @MeMr

    I'm sure that will help the Studio a lot! And yes, all the suggestions are well noted in my notepad and will be passed it to the Studio. If I say it, I do it 😉

    @Quervo @SRMVVCB. Special events and extra features are available only during specific time frames and only for randomly chosen groups of players and devices from time to time. I'd love to be able to manually add this feature to your game, but I'm afraid here, we have no control over how these groups are selected or chosen. If you do not see this special event in your game at the moment then rest assured it'll be coming your way soon in the future!

    And I will be looking forward your feedback, so as soon as you get it, will you share with us your thoughts? 🤗

  • Quervo
    Quervo Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Thank you for your attention, i am looking forward to get the event or new event that's better than that. But without the event i got stuck on level again and again u,u

  • renamifsud2
    renamifsud2 Posts: 231

    Can someone explain to me

    with the noble path you collect rewards for free right

    but the Royal path if you claim the reward do you pay with gold bars

    as I thought it’s free collecting all rewards

    the noble path claim and the royal path claim

    can someone help me please as I don’t want to waste gold bars

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hello @renamifsud2 Yes the Noble path is free, if you want the rewards of the Royal path you can buy with your gold bars. On page 1 everything was explained by @LadyRaffie 😊

  • renamifsud2
    renamifsud2 Posts: 231

    Thank you for your reply

    I wanted to be sure

    i taught I will get 50 gold bars not spend them

    thank you

    what about bubble gum him

    still not working

    when is it going to be fixed please

    thank you

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    @renamifsud2 Well you have to buy the Royal path but I have read a comment of @bearwithme you can get some gold too. I don’t have this feature 🙁 so maybe @bearwithme can explain to you more.

    if you want to know more about BGH you can read or be updated Here. I hope it comes back soon 🙏🏻

  • Laura43
    Laura43 Posts: 9

    Level 2

    I bought the Royal path for 50 gold bars, played for 10 minutes, exited out, then reopened the game and it was gone. My time had not run out yet and it has been a day and it still hasn't shown back up. I really really loved this feature. Can someone please tell me how to get it back?

  • Ebreezy31
    Ebreezy31 Posts: 48

    Level 3

    Hello, question about the Royal path prize pack..🤔 I see it costs 50 bars to unlock, is that a one time cost that includes ALL of the prizes on the path, or is it 50 bars for each one you choose? It's not quite clear in the description so just hoping for specifics!🤗

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?