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New Feature! Soda Summer Vacation



  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    • Part 2

    Hi @LadyRaffie @Lola_Pop @Yosca @candycrushinit @Sofia @Sweetice @Quervo @Anrames @Pitty_Kitty @Crazyforfun @rock2233 @earmanja794 @LizzyLemondrop @BeckyBubblegum @teresawallace44 & The "Soda Summer Vacation!" Group,

    • Summary

    • For the King Game Designers, needs to be kept in mind, when players are at the end of game, anything requiring "New" levels, has to be coordinated with (CCSS) Soda Fri's 30 New Level Release. Or give a substitute quest, as an option.
    • Rewards - Notice 3 of the 4 rewards have lives listed. Total of 90 mins of them. Not needed. Why? Because for those of us who have "Facebook", can get "Free" lives anytime. Once saw a player on the (CCS) Saga side, have over 10,000 lives listed. Instead give "Boosters" that can benefit the player in the main game, on the higher levels. 
    • 20 mins on Fish, Candy Bomb, Striped Candy. Again helpful, but only on doing Soda Summer Vacation! itself. No help on the main game, for those higher levels. Even on this, all 3 boosters are spaced out. Not really fond of timed boosters.
    • Finally, 1 Striped Popsicle Hammer, along with 20 Gold Bars total. Nice start, but not enough. In making Candy Bombs, Striped Candy or Wrapped Candy, accidents do happen. Even one of our Community Managers commented on a Candy Bomb level, @Crazy Cat Lad, said they are the worse, because bombs can go off, add both Striped & Wrapped candies, it makes it worse. Have to start all over again, & remake them, then bring them together. So on 413 points, for 15 Gold Bars, you are not even getting back what you invested in the use of any boosters, like Popsicle Hammers, for example. I would say, & this is a minimum, for 413 points, how about 25 Gold Bars for every 100 points, or 100 Gold Bars total, that seems fair. Whoever made "Kimmy's Arcade", should be given a raise. Take a look at that mini / side game, for how to reward players.

    The objective is the same for all players. Once you play a mini / side game, should be prepared / armed with boosters to take on the main game, or higher levels. Otherwise, there is no need to play them. Rewards should put you ahead, or they are not rewards. 

    I still recommend you go to the, *Sprinkleshell Levels! *See my post on Page 2 of this thread!

    So again, before answering those questions by @LadyRaffie, let me say first, I am always in favor on having any mini / side game that gives players more opportunities to win boosters.

    My evaluation on this hasn't changed. In fact, I may have understated the case. 

    👉What did you think about it? *Again, its ok. Even challenging, but not enough rewards for the time / work done.

    👉How would you describe Soda Summer Vacation in a couple of words or a sentence? *A difficult mini / side game, that doesn't pay off like it should.  

    👉What quests did you do? *Could only do 2 of the 4 quests. Making Candy Bombs with Striped & Wrapped candies. 

    👉Did you find the event or the quests challenging? Is there any quest in particular or something specific that made you find it so challenging? *Yes, it is very challenging. Keeping Candy Bombs, Striped & Wrapped candies from blowing up, until they are ready. 

    👉Anything else you would like to share with us about it? *As with all these mini / side games, it has potential. But, the "Reward" side of it, needs to be brought way up. 

    *References For Players

    Candy Crush Soda Wiki | Fandom

    Candy Crush Saga Wiki | Fandom 

    Take Care - Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hello @Crazyforfun Do you like playing the Summer Vacation?

    Like @Origins7_Dale said, you get the golden pin when you finish a new level in the first time.

    About the new sweet score. I think you have to score a certain number of points by replaying levels... I did it that way, because I was already at the end of the levels and I got the “green good” 😊. But let’s ask the bosses @LadyRaffie @Lola_Pop What is meant by making a new sweet score?

  • Sweetice
    Sweetice Posts: 2,464

    Thanks dear for this helpful comment!...BUT am I supposed to answer those 5 questions?

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    Hi @Sweetice,

    Do you have the "Soda Summer Vacation App"? If you do, you can comment, if you like. If you don't have it, can't talk about something you haven't gotten yet.

    So if it shows up, post then.

    Take Care - Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • Sweetice
    Sweetice Posts: 2,464

    Hello @Origins7_Dale ...😊

     I don't have that app, so I don't think I can anything about it just as you said. Maybe I will look forward to download and check it out!

     Thanks!...Keep crushing❤

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    Hi @Yosca @Crazyforfun @Gingersnappyg,

    On "Sweet Score". I replayed Level 1500, got over 700,000 points, but no points in the app. Even tho it listed 500,000 as a "New Score".

    Again, I use "Win 10 Pro PC - Desktop App".

    @Yosca uses "iPad". Not sure what device @Gingersnappyg uses. So it could be different on these devices.

    Yup, need the bosses on this one @LadyRaffie & @Lola_Pop.

    Take Care - Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    @Origins7_Dale I didn’t see any change in the score either but somehow I got a “good” 🤔And I can’t remember how 😅 (getting old)

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551

    Hi @Yosca,

    Got a "Good". What does that mean? Need points in the app, to get rewards.

    O'well the bosses will tell us.

    You see what @LadyRaffie said in "Game Expert".

    @Origins7_Dale we will contact you very soon 🤗

    Geeze, I am on pins & needles, on this waiting.

    Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • earmanja794
    earmanja794 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    I liked this challenge, it was pretty easy to blow through each week (just wrapped up week 3) and I'm a fan of any individual challenge 🤘.

  • ElenaVorona
    ElenaVorona Posts: 1,884

    I think the fourth week will start with something like this:

    Bubble Level - 4

    Frosting Level - 3

    Hard Level - 2

    Ultra Hard - 1

    I have no more options).

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?