have the game rules changed?
i have been stuck on level 52 forever, i was getting 14 moves now today i am only getting 8 whats up with that? and why is it power ups can only be purchased using real money?
I am unable to use the QU tiles.... is there a trick????
I've tried using the QU tile and am unable to create words with it.... it just doesn't recognize it.... is there a minimum letter count to use it or ??????
Alphabetty keeps going to random levels
Hello there, firstly the game won't load on my PC but will on my tablet, but although I am on level 63 it keeps going to level 24???? I have tried going back to like level 60 and it goes to level 17? I have uninstalled the app and reinstalled but still does the same thing, cant check my PC as it won't load. Thanks :)
alphabetty will not load on Chrome or Firefox,,, what to do??
The green line stops at .5cm and then nothing..... I tried both browsers. What to do please
How many levels for AlphaBetty Saga and why can't I send heart lives to my friends?! I GET them!
I can't send heart lives to my friends... but I GET them... Makes me feel bad for NOT sending back! I am on levels 160+ and they have just started playing recently, so maybe guessing they are in the 20+ levels?? I figured I could go ALL the way back to the first to SEND from the "score list"... but NOT wanting to DO that…
How can I get to level 306?
I can,t go on after level 305. Should I wait for a while or pay something? I don,t want to pay..... :)
How do i reach level 321?
How do I reach level 321 on Alpha Betty love the game and want to keep playing..
Alphabetty crashes
unless on fix has been made in 6 months, then something new is wrong. I suspect it's linked to the Valentines Day sale as there is part of the design lingering in the upper left of the screen before it goes dark.
Alphabetty crashing in App
i have an iPad and use the app. Game just goes black and crashes out. When I'm on my Mac and use Facebook game on Safari same thing happens. This has been going on about a month and I'm ready to quit the game. On FB the icon no longer appears in the game list
I am on level 198 of Alpha Betty and when it loads it shuffles a couple times and quits. Help!
After the level loads it shuffles a couple times then takes my life and shuts down. What can I do?