Level 859 goes dark and freezes up when I click on the 5+ icon to buy more lives. When can I expect this to be fixed? Thanks.
Day counter.. Please explain
I play every day but it seems to reset after about 10. I play on my iPhone. I completed about 10 puzzles yesterday. This morning I found it still running in the background. I assumed it was keeping track of starting the app daily so I shut it down and opened it back up. My day counter reset to 1.
AlphaBetty Level 805
Is level 805 depending on luck? Limited moves and restrictions, seem impossible to get through :-(
do you think they should update alphabetty more often
they release: 10 levels per 2 weeks and I think it is unacceptable considering the release rate of other games
Alphabetty level 142 - cannot get more than one star
A problem with level 142. I'm trying to get 3 stars on all levels to max out my artifacts but despite a score of 20 884 I only get one star, despite having 5-6 moves left at the end to get bonus points. Is this another bugged one like 115?
Help with Level 464
I can't get there stars on the level 464. My best score is 11880 with two stars. Do you please give me any tips to have three stars?
New feature:spider.
It has been ages since the last "feature" which was the "guess words" levels.Alphabetty is a good game but it could be funnier if a new feature was added. This spider could entangle a new tile each turn and there also could the "clear coweb" levels which would be like the "clear honey" levels in Candy Crush Soda Saga.
Highest level so far?
I loaded up the newest version of AlphaBetty Saga, but did not get any new levels. 700 is the highest I have. But that level was played and completed before I updated. Are there new ones after that?
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what does the plus(+) sign mean on a tile in AlphaBetty Saga?
from Steve in chat ... the plus signs popped up. I couldn't use them to make a word, but when a line blaster hit them, they did go into the word I was trying to find. The game ended before I could figure out what was going on.