Level 420
What the hell?!? There's no way to win this level! There aren't enough moves, plus the timed square in the middle is hard to get in the tjme allowed. Again, what the hell? =(
Cupid, the clumsy Rabbit - Win a 100 Gold Bars!
Hello everyone Fancy some more Gold bars?! Help us write the Community story of Cupid the cute clumsy Rabbit… Just check this out! Have a fun and wordtastic day
Can you reset alpha Betty saga to the level I was at before getting my new kindle?
I got a new kindle and it started me at level 1 instead of keeping me at the level I was on.
Level 115 Alphabetty
Level 115 Alphabetty will not award more than one star even when score exceeds 22,000 points. (Trying to earn three stars on all the levels while waiting for more puzzles.)
Finished level 710 of AlphaBetty but it won't give me any more levels. What to do?
Finished level 710 of AlphaBetty but it won't give me any more levels. What to do?
On level 881 it only shows 35 tiles but you need to have 36 to pass. (FIXED)
I'm not sure level 881 is working properly. I bought a lot of extra moves but cannot find the 36th title. Extra moves don't help
Merged: Swedish letters not accepted 846
This discussion has been merged.
Bug with Swedish vowels (Reported - WORKING ON A FIX)
In "Find the letters" levels there are tiles in the asked for word, that don't exist on the board. Here are some screenshots. As you can see, I found all the letters of the word, but the next word never showed up. I play on Facebook, in Swedish. I have encountered this bug with other letters too, but always with our…
Bug in Alphabetty 869, toon simple
When I first entered level 869, I entered an instruction level with an explanation how to find the Dutch word ananas. When I completed this word I completed level 869 and I could go on with 870. It should have been a difficult level, later when I returned to 869 I saw that the level is indeed difficult. You nade it very…
iPad restore lost all my progress on Alohabetty
please can you help me restore my progress on Alphabetty. I don’t use this app through Facebook. Thank you