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💎 Show your longest link shining charms and new sassy score! 🤩

Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,363
edited January 14 in Discussions

Hello there! Diamond Diaries Hunters! 👋😄

I am Diamond Lim (also called me Lim is short as well) while I always Diamond Diaries Saga Expert / Skill Master Player! 💎😄

Oh! Let me show you my longest link first! 😉

Actually my longer link charms record is 77 on Level 500! Oh! It's Double Lucky 7! 7️⃣7️⃣

Perfect! 👍😄

Oh! Some players have beaten my longest link charms completed on September 2020. Right?! 😏

And then my new longest link charms record is 86 on Level 2114 on 14th April 2021! 😄

Masterful! 😮

But...! That's not all! It's my explosion new longest link charms record is...

90! (What?! Really?! 😲)

Yes! It's really! I got my explosion new longest link charms record is 90 on Level 2445 now (16th September 2021)!

Really...! Really...! Really...! Masterful...! 😲

Another But...! That's not all again! It's my super explosion new longest link charms record is...

102! (What?! Really again?! 😲)

Yes! It's really again! I got my super explosion new longest link charms record is 102 on Level 2114 now (17th September 2021)!

Really...! Really...! Really...! Super Masterful...! 😲

I am really super happy as finally I did linked up to 100 charms in this game! Hooray! 🎉😄

And... I found @Amoonmoon got the new explosion longest link chains is 110 and did beat my longest link chains so hardly! You can check out @Amoonmoon got new explosion longest link chains here on 20th November 2023! That was so... masterful! 👇😮

Let's congratulate to another new one masterful Diamond Diaries Hunter is @Amoonmoon as the player did got new explosion longest link chains is 110 and did beat my current explosion longest link chains too! 🎉😄

Alright! Let me also show you my new sassy score! 😉

My still new sassy score record is 211280!

Is it cool? 😎

But that's not all again! I got my new explosion and sassy score record is 337180 now (27th May 2022)!

It's really... Masterful again! 😲

And... I found @Xxander got the new explosion sassy highscore is 459970 and did beat my current explosion sassy highscore so hardly! You can also check out @Xxander got new explosion sassy highscore here on 8th February 2023! That was so... masterful too! 👇😮

Let's congratulate to another new one masterful Diamond Diaries Hunter is @Xxander as the player did got new explosion sassy highscore is 459970 and did beat my current explosion sassy highscore too! 🎉😄

An don't be worried! This discussion is not contest, it's just for fun! 😄

So what's your longest link charms and your new sassy score record if you're interested? 😊

"Oh! Let me see! Let me see! 😄" said Lucy.

** If you still don't know how to take a screenshot, here are tips for "How to take a screenshot" on any devices. 😊 ** 

Then :

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** You can also checking to read 🌶️ Hot right now in Diamond Diaries Saga HERE 🌶️ and 📱💻️ What is the latest level in Diamond Diaries Saga HERE? **

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Let's have some fun! Diamond Diaries Hunters! 😄

(Edited / Updated : 14th January 2025)

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