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💎 Diamond Diaries Poll #1 💎 - What level are you on?



  • Level 1 - 250


  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,363
    Over Level 901

    Sassy! Welcome to play Diamond Diaries Saga and Thank you for your voting and answering on this poll discussion. @Marcemarce22 👍😄

    Then can you tell me what's current level on this game? 😊

    You can also check more this game's exciting threads and contests here 👇😉

    🌶️ Hot right now in Diamond Diaries here and King Community here 🌶️

    Want to win Free Gold Bars on this game? Participate and Answer here! 🎉🏆✨ I Solve your answer from no colour image challenge and Win Gold Bars here! ⚫⚪🤔

    🌍 Where are you playing from? Answer and Get the Badge here! 🌍

    🗼🗽 What's your favourite destination and Why? Answer and Get the Badge here! 🌉🏜️

    💎 What's your current level on this game? Post your screenshot and Get the Badge here! 🏅😉

    📱💎 How many levels are there and what's the current latest version in Diamond Diaries Saga now here?

    💎📱 Did you see new look on Android devices on this game? Check and Ask your feedbacks here! 😉

    💎 Wanna to win Diamond Diaries Badges? Join and challenge these badges' contests here! 🏅😉

    Have a wonderful and sassy day! 💎😄

  • wandamc
    wandamc Posts: 73

    Level 3

    Over Level 901

    Level 3312

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,363
    edited November 2022
    Over Level 901

    Wow! Awesome! You are amazing Diamond Diaries Hunter! Well done and Thank you for your voting and answering on this poll discussion. @wandamc 👍😄

    You can also check more this game's exciting threads and contests here 👇😉

    🌶️ Hot right now in Diamond Diaries here and King Community here 🌶️

    Want to win Free Gold Bars on this game? Participate and Answer here! 🎉🏆✨ I Solve your answer from no colour image challenge and Win Gold Bars here! ⚫⚪🤔 I How does playing King Games make you feel? Tell us for a chance to win 20 Gold Bars here! 🎉

    💎🏅 Have you passed over Level 1000, 2000 and 3000? Post a screenshot then Claim Level 1000 Badge here, Level 2000 Badge here and Level 3000 Badge here! 😄

    🌍 Where are you playing from? Let us know and Get the Badge here! 🌍

    🗼🗽 What's your favourite destination and Why? Let us know and Get the Badge here! 🌉🏜️

    💎 What's your current level on this game? Post your screenshot and Get the Badge here! 🏅😉

    📱💎 How many levels are there and what's the current latest version in Diamond Diaries Saga now here?

    💎📱 Did you see new look on Android devices on this game? Check and Ask your feedbacks here! 😉

    💎 Wanna to win Diamond Diaries Badges? Join and challenge these badges' contests here! 🏅😉

    Have a wonderful and sassy day! 💎😄

  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,894
    Over Level 901

    Just completed level 3000

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,363
    edited November 2022
    Over Level 901

    Woohoo! Congratulations! Finally you did reached up to Level 3000 on this game! You are still amazing Diamond Diaries Hunter! Well done and thank you for your playing Diamond Diaries Saga so much and voting on this poll discussion! @BQN537 🎉3️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣😄

    But Attention! From start over Level 3001, it's becoming masterful hard right now! Hope you can passed over these new levels until to Level 3335 is the max level currently now (15 new levels added on today soon). Good luck for passing these new levels and Keep going again! ✊😄

  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,894
    Over Level 901

    Thanks @Diamond_Lim

    Very helpful information. I might slow down a bit now.🦋🐨

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,363
    Over Level 901

    You are welcome. I know you are still playing another King's Games and also doing your things in your real life. Yeah! Me too! I am also still very busy to do my things in my real life and help the players (also need my helps to tag and answer them) around King Community. 😉

  • Xxander
    Xxander Posts: 5,902
    Level 1 - 250

    Just passed 100

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 171,363
    Over Level 901

    Woah! Sassy your current level! Thank you for your voting and answering on this poll discussion. 👍😄

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?