Game Restarts when interrupted by phone call or other event
Level 1
It would be great if the game could remember where it is and continue from there after being interrupted on the phone by some event. It is particularly galling when you are pretty close to completing the game, the phone rings, you answer it and when you go back to play, the game restarts.
I think that may be down to your phone rather than the game as it doesn't happen to me on my Android Nexus 6, it goes back to the game both if I choose to dismiss or answer the call.
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I totally agree. I have an android and get frustrated on a daily basis!!! ESPECIALLY when I have purchased tokens and bonuses and almost finished worth a level only to lose everything. I am ready to QUIT, DELETE and WARN OTHERS the game is stealing our bonuses and tokens!!!
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hi @Katarina67
welcome to the community
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this problem may be unique to the device
the results below are for alphabetty and farm heroes
I use an Amazon fire and it does the same thing ... if the game is minimized it will start over when to try to use it
I tried it on my wife's tablet and it returns to the game in progress
I tried it on my wife's phone and it returns to the game in progress
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1) contact customer support ... they send one automated email ... reply to the automated email to get in contact with customer support
2) @Crazy Cat Lad may be able to get more info ... unfortunately, here is in Europe and is off until Tuesday(a bank holiday in Spain)
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Thank you for your reply. I have a LG android cell and never had problems before. There must have been an update because this started a few months ago. It appears to be some kind of glitch. Also, isn't a kindle fire a tablet or for the TV? It doesn't receive phone calls.
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my tablet has done this for awhile
maybe @Crazy Cat Lad can give some advise(Tuesday next week)
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while we wait until Tuesday ... can you try another device?(phone?, tablet?)
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Hi @Katarina67 !
Please note that this thread is from 2015 and regarding an issue six years ago.
What trouble shooting steps have you tried to fic the issue on your device? Please try the steps HERE and if you still have issues with the game, please open a new thread.
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