Alphabetty level 755 is impossible
I am happy for you but it is very annoying to play this level over 200 times just waiting for the lucky board So if you can do it so well I’m doing a lot wrong and maybe you could give us unlucky ones a hint or tutorial on how to pas this levelIt is possible. I am now on level 770. Making 4 letter words gives you extra letter stars.
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200 tries and still no lucky boards for meYes, the find-letters in the last updates have been especially hard and flat-out impossible unless you ended up finding a nice board.
I played 770 over a dozen times with zero chances of finishing the level, then a good board came by and I won it with two moves left.
Patience, and maybe start with crown boosters if you have them.
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There is no solution I’ve been stuck on this level too long I’m about to give up
i keep trying for better free prizes in the scheduled free spin and win everyday but not getting anything helpful from that either
someone higher up help me. I’m not a quitter but getting very close
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Don't give up @Islanguy61, I will pass over the feedback
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What changes were made to help us win this level? All the previous comments were from 2018. I'm getting very frustrated.
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hi @deblee10
2 levels are in this discussion ... 755 and 770 ... which one(or both) would you like to discuss?
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hi @deblee10
there are more moves now
... 16 moves in 2018 ... 17 moves in 2019 ... 19 moves in 2020
there are more moves now
... 12 moves in 2018 ... 17 moves in 2019 ... 18 moves in 2020
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Thank you. I was curious about what had changed. Sadly,despite having more moves, I am still stuck on this level!
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would you like some ideas as to how to approach the culprit? ... which level is giving you fits?
for 755 and 770 ... try to start with extra crowns
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I'm on level 755. I've gotten all but one 8 letter word once. I've been trying to use 4 letter words for my first few moves around the bombs in order to clear them as well. Any hints would be appreciated!
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