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Alphabetty level 755 is impossible
hi @deblee10
level 755 ... nine 7-letter words in 19 moves
here are some ideas ... you may be doing some of these already
Mystery Mouse will give you one or two crowns to start the game
or ... before you hit Play you will be able to add crowns
if the crown above the play button has a number inside the circle surrounding the crown(see image below)
then click the crown and hope to get a good board
being able to make crowns with the move stealers at the start is essential
... if most of the move stealers are unplayable consider using the quit button
general approach ... take your time ... flood the board with crowns early in the game
... look to make a 7-letter word each turn(unlikely the first few moves, but be patient)
when creating a 7-letter word(or any blaster):
see how many crowns will be in the path of that blaster ... select the blaster that hits the most crowns
blasted crowns add to a word's length and most of the blasted crowns are returned to the board
blasting crowns is a valuable technique when trying to make long words
Herb says "you play the game with blasters ... you win the game with crowns"
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Thank you. That is helpful. I had no idea you could tell how many crowns are available. I'll post again when j beat this level!
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good luck ... be patient ... this is a tough one
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Yippee! I finally passed level 755. I really hope that was the last of that type of puzzle. But I doubt it. Thank you for your advise!
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congrats! ... there are more(maybe not as difficult) ... blasting crowns makes them all easier ... good luck on the rest
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Well..I tried tons of times but I will buy extra only vhance🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️
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