Gold bars in Alphabetty
Good afternoon
I would know if is possible to have my gold bars in Alphabetty transferred to another King game.
I would know if is possible to have my gold bars in Alphabetty transferred to another King game.
I ask it because a moderator of community king posted that the level 920 is the last and no more levels are planned and that it's not either decided when or if
new levels will come again in the game.
Please let me know about my request.
Thanks and regards.
Best Answers
Hi @Sabrina_Menin, thank you for posting here in the community. I will tag @Crazy Cat Lad who is the Community Moderator for this game. He will be able to answer that for you.
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Thanks anyway @Crazy Cat Lad.1
Elsa said:Hi @Sabrina_Menin, thank you for posting here in the community. I will tag @Crazy Cat Lad who is the Community Moderator for this game. He will be able to answer that for you.
Hi @Sabrina_Menin, thank you for posting here in the community. I will tag @Crazy Cat Lad who is the Community Moderator for this game. He will be able to answer that for you.
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Hi @Sabrina_Menin!
Our policy is to not transfer any in-game items to another game. We do an exception though many times when it's purchased items.
Regarding free items that you have won or received in the game, these cannot be transferred, refunded or used in any other game I'm afraid.
I understand that reaching the last level in the game is a bit sad. I can recommend to either go back and replay old levels and try to beat your previous scores.
The other alternative is to start over again from level 1. You can either start to play on a brand new account or just let me know and I will reset your game back to level 1 on your existing account.
Let me know if you have any questions.
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Thanks anyway @Crazy Cat Lad.1
Elsa said:Hi @Sabrina_Menin, thank you for posting here in the community. I will tag @Crazy Cat Lad who is the Community Moderator for this game. He will be able to answer that for you.
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Thanks to0
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