Weekly Word Challenge! Win 100 Gold Bars if you find all vehicles! (finished)
Crazy Cat Lad
Posts: 14,124
This week we'll start the engines, hit the gas and let's go. The theme is Vehicles!
The words you need to find this week are any type of vehicles.
The player that find most vehicles will win 50 Gold Bars to their AlphaBetty Saga, but if you are quick and your reply is the first one of all answers and also found more words than the other players, you will 100 Gold Bars instead!
Mice, huh?
Post all words that you can find here before Friday 14th June since we'll have a new game board and a new theme then.
You have until Friday the 14th June, 12:00 CET to participate and you can read the Terms and Conditions here.
Do not have a Community account yet?
Then sign up right here to participate!
Bicycle, Tricycle, cycle, Van, Plane, Boat, Cab, Car, Bus, Cart, Truck, Tractor, Tram, Limousine, Moped, Rail, Rickshaw, Train, Scooter, Coach, Sub, Taxi, Helicopter, Artic (Articulated lorry), Chariot0
@Crazy Cat Lad Here is what I have (37) Good luck everyone! This is a great challenge.
Van Bicycle Tractor Truck Cab Ship Hauler. Cooper Ambulance. Helicopter Plane Boat Scooter Tricycle Cart. Car Carpet Submarine Limo Prius Mac Martin Bus Ram Train Lotus. Opel Tram Tub. Supra Carina Auto. Reliant Brat Hauler @RegalRenz, rickshaw is a great one!1 -
Van Bicycle Tractor Truck Cab Ship Hauler. Cooper Ambulance. Helicopter Plane Boat Scooter Tricycle Cart. Car Carpet Submarine Limo Prius Mac Martin Bus Ram Train Lotus. Opel Tram Tub. Supra Carina Auto. Reliant Brat Hauler Pulsar Moped
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Good job guys!
I don't accept names though or brands I'm afraid, so when taking those away the winner ended up with 23 accepted words and the second place came close with 22 words.
The winner this week is @RegalRenz and since you posted first of all, you win the 100 Gold Bars!
Next week it's time time to purr and find all the kitty words here.
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Awesome! Thanks @Crazy Cat Lad0
Congratulations @RegalRenz!1
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