Weekly Word Challenge! Win 100 Gold Bars if you find all the cats! (finished)
This week we'll purr and hiss or just meow. The theme is Cats!
The words you need to find this week are any words related to cats.
The player that find most kitty words will win 50 Gold Bars to their AlphaBetty Saga, but if you are quick and your reply is the first one of all answers and also found more words than the other players, you will 100 Gold Bars instead!
Purrfect, huh?
Post all words that you can find here before Friday 21st June since we'll have a new game board and a new theme then.
You have until Friday the 21st June, 12:00 CET to participate and you can read the Terms and Conditions here.
Do not have a Community account yet?
Then sign up right here to participate!
I have very limited knowledge on cats but this is what I found so far.
Purrs, Siamese, Kitty, Kitten, Litter, Whiskers, Paws, Claws, Tail, Rat, Fur, Mane, Meow, Game, Mange, Shot, Hiss, Dog, Sprat, Hair (hairball), Collar, Naps, Mate, Spey, Sphynx, Hop2 -
Thank you for another great puzzle! I found 50+ words, but don't know if the plural words are okay. Good luck everyone! Congratulations @RegalRenz on lats week's puzzle.
Purr, purrs, games. Kitty. Tiger. Spat. ragdoll, Collar. Collars. Mange. Litter. Panther. Whisker. Whiskers. Kitten. Fur. Furs. Feline. Felines. Patter. Pattern, spot. Leopard ,leopards. Sprawl. Sharp, claw. Claws. Ginger. Nail. Hotel. Traps. trap, Meow. whip, Whips. dart, Darts. Milk. Bengal. Mangy. Games. gamine, hankers, male, shorthair, paws, Mitten, lines, crawl, dog, scowl, tinkle, tinkly, lion, meek, dollars, siamese, sphinx, Angora, pen,
P.S. I was thinking of Cat Woman with the "Whip"
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Thank you for another great puzzle! I found 50+ words, but don't know if the plural words are okay. Good luck everyone! Congratulations @RegalRenz
Purr, purrs, games. Kitty. Tiger. Spat. ragdoll, Collar. Collars. Mange. Litter. Panther. Whisker. Whiskers. Kitten. Fur. Furs. Feline. Felines. Patter. Pattern, spot. Leopard ,leopards. Sprawl. Sharp, claw. Claws. Ginger. Nail. Hotel. Traps. trap, Meow. whip, Whips. dart, Darts. Milk. Bengal. Mangy. Games. gamine, hankers, male, shorthair, paws, Mitten, lines, crawl, dog, scowl, tinkle, tinkly, lion, meek, dollars, siamese, sphinx, Angora, pen,
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Anger, Angora, Beg, Bengal, Collar, Claw, Claws, Crawl, Dog. Feline, Felines, Fur, Furs, Game, Games, Ginger, Hair, Hip, Hips, Hiss, Imp, Keen, Kitty, Kitten, Length, Lion, Litter, Lynx, Maine, Male, Mange, Mate, Manger, Meow, Milk, Minx (Minxe), Nap, Naps, Oily, Pant, Panther, Pate, Patter, Paw, Paws, PenLight, Purr, Purrs, Ragdoll, Rat, Rats, Scowl, Sharp, Sharper, Short Hair (shorthair), Siamese, Sing, Singer, Spat, Spats, Spot, Sphynx, Stairs, Tail, Thai, Whisker, Whiskers
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Wow kitty gurls!
This week's winner after a tight race is @LilSpacegirl, but @Mindy_OConnell was just a couple of words behind.
Since @RegalRenz was the fastest player, it means that the prize will be 50 Gold Bars for @LilSpacegirl!
Next week's challenge has Disney character theme and is a bit different. You are no longer able to copy any previous replies and all players will win Gold Bars, it's just up to you how much you will win. Check it out here!
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Congratulations @LilSpacegirl!0
@Crazy Cat Lad for the fun games.
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