What's past level 920?

Crazy Cat Lad
Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
edited October 2021 in Support
Have you already reached level 920 and no more levels are opening up? 

Level 920 is the current last level in AlphaBetty Saga and no more levels are planned at this moment. It's not either decided when or if new levels will come again in the game. 

You never know what the future brings, but bear in mind, AlphaBetty Saga did end on level 410 once upon a time and new tiles, words and cheesy levels came up after a couple of years relax. So better to stay tuned! 

So what can you do now if you wanna keep playing the game?

You can either go back and replay old levels and try to beat your previous scores.

The other alternative is to start the game over again from level 1. You can open a brand new account and will automatically be on level 1.

If you prefer to play on your existing account, then post your request here below with your Game User ID and we will reset your game manually to level 1 in our system. 

How to find your Game User ID on Facebook check here. On mobile, check this page instead. 



  • gomps
    gomps Posts: 0


    I have got to 920 is there any more?

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Hi @gomps and welcome to our Community!

    I moved your post to this thread with all the info about new levels. 

    Don't forget to check the Weekly Word Challenge here as well here in Community. New challenge every Thursday! 
  • marycarmen
    marycarmen Posts: 0


    edited July 2019
    I’m stuck in level 920
  • Mek0060
    Mek0060 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Ugh new here. I reached level 920 and after waiting a while for new levels I did some googling. Worst. News. Ever. This was my favorite game. Anyone know of anything that is similar, even if not made by King? Not so interested in the smashing candies games anymore.
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Hi @marycarmen and welcome to out Community! 

    I moved your post to this thread in the same topic.

    @Mek0060 I truly understand how you feel. This is the case though, but as I mentioned above AlphaBetty Saga did end on level 410 once upon a time and then after a couple of years new levels got updated and made until level 920. So everything is possible in the future. 
  • Tomillie
    Tomillie Posts: 0


    I have been on this level for months - win probably 3-5 times each day before running out of lives, but am not being moved to next level - is there a secret to moving on?
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Hi @Tomillie and welcome to our Community!

    I moved your post to this thread in the same topic. 

    The King.com version has only 410 levels while mobile and Facebook have 920 levels. The King site will be updated to the HTML5 format and get all 920 levels as well. 

    Meanwhile, please play on a mobile device. Download the game from the app store and connect the game to your King account and it will start on level 411. 

  • Judi_B
    Judi_B Posts: 18

    Level 2

    There haven’t been new levels for a long time. Is this the end of the game?
  • MollyDel
    MollyDel Posts: 1

    Level 1

    How do I contact you to reset my account to Level One? Through the general King contact link or what? Thank you; I would love more levels!
  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
    Hi @MollyDel and welcome to our Community!

    You don't have to contact anyone anywhere. I can help you right here on this thread. Post your Game ID and I will reset your game to level 1. 

    How to find your Game User ID on Facebook check here. On mobile, check this page instead.  

    Post only the Game ID number and no username or email. The Game ID is safe to post publicly since it doesn't have any value for players that are not a Community Manager or Moderator here in Community. 
This discussion has been closed.

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