What's past level 920?
My user ID is 11477807679. I would like to start over at Level 1. Can you reset my game? Thank you
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hi @zhenhui
welcome to the community
🍮 🍮
thank you for providing your user ID
@Crazy Cat Lad is able to access your account ... he is available most weekdays from Europe
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This discussion was created from comments split from: What I have to do if I want to start from level 1 in AlphaBetty?.0
Hi @zhenhui and welcome tom our Community!
I have now reset your game back to level 1.
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Hi there, can I please get my Alphabetty Game reset? My account number is: 11578660281.
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hi @duckduckgo
welcome to the community
🍮 🍮
thank you for providing your user ID
@Crazy Cat Lad is able to access your account ... he is available most weekdays from Europe
🍮 🍮
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Hi @duckduckgo and welcome to our Community!
I have now reset your game to level 1. Please reinstall the app before opening the game the next time.
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