Alpha betty saga stopped loading
hi @biddie58if you are lucky the crashing problem will go away on its ownit may take several days to fix itselfwhen my tablet has problems then I play on a PCAB works well with chrome and gameroom on a PC
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Game still not loading since december, 2020
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There may be a simple explanation if you are using a PC ... since Dec 15 2020 ABS is no longer available on PCs.
You can still play on mobile devices.
If you are having this problem on a mobile device then please provide the make of the device, the version of ABS on the device and the game ID.
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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
How about you tried to follow these another troubleshooting steps of Crashing/Freezing issue/bug. (I hope haven't this happens! 😊)
You can click here (Android) then you can find and follow troubleshooting steps that I hope this helps. 😉
⚠️ NOTE ⚠️
If you want to try uninstall and install steps, you have your gold bars are saved/transfered but all of the boosters have lost and some events will be reset and gone.
Need Gold Bars on this game? Join Here!
Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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