Game not loading

Level 2
My Alphabetty isn’t working and when I click on it is not letting me play the game. Can you help me please
many players are having problems with ABS on iPhones and iPads
look here for more info:
Game not loading/ keeps crashing on iPhone/ iPad
there is no solution(yet) ... @Crazy Cat Lad is working with the studio on the problem
you might consider using a PC or a different mobile device until this issue is resolved
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When you fix the Alphabetty Saga can you let me know please because I don’t got different moblie device’s.
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Hi @starshemia23 !
Are you playing on iPhone or iPad?
If so, the issue is still under investigation and I will post any updates on the issue on the page abe_coffee posted.
If you play on an Android or on computer, then please let me know since it's a different issue then.
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