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New Year - New device? 📱 Check out how to sync it! Android 🤖 | Apple 🍏
Valentine's Word Challenge (finished)
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My word is
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My word is 💘Loving💘
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brew is the word I spotted.
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My word is CUPID! 😘
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Lovers ❤️
thank you @PummyRaj - thanks for the tag!!
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I How about CANDY
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Hello @ all,
Its my first post and my English is so bad but i find a very nice word: ROMANTIC
Maybe i win :-) i have Birthday at 21.02 and maybe this is my Gift ;-)
Greetings from Germany
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Hello @JackyGermany and welcome to our friendly King Community. I think your English is very good. We have quite a few players here in the community from Germany. That is an excellent word and you should get credit for it (and the corresponding gold bars) once the contest is over. Also Happy early Birthday! 😊🐨
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