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New Year - New device? π± Check out how to sync it! Android π€ | Apple π
Valentine's Word Challenge (finished)
@Crazy Cat Lad
Thank you so much π€ where i find the Game ID? My Name in the game is jiji knobi0 -
Thank you @Crazy Cat Lad and congratulations to all the winnersππ0
@Crazy Cat Lad - Iβm going to give this game a shot. Please go ahead and add the GB whenever you get a chance. Please and Thank You ππ»Β0
My ID:
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I have added the Gold Bars to your games now @Foley1362 @Suzyq63 !
I could not find AlphaBetty with that Game ID @JackyGermany . I found only Papa Pear. Are you playing AlphaBetty yet?
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Thank you @Crazy Cat Lad ππ»
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Thank you very much @CrazyCatLad
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Uh..sorry, next time :-/
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