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Why i cannot access
Can screenshot it? U got so many life ...
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hi @dipat ... @stan1981 may have identified the problem
you may have to give up your lives ... then try to limit the number to 400 in the future
I was in a group of 40 players who sent lives to each other
it was not uncommon for many of us to collect too many lives
448 seems like a low number for this to happen but maybe 448 is too many
here is a post from April 2019 ... giving some numbers
"it looks like the android code does not like too many lives ...
ABS would not run on a tablet when over 800 lives were saved ...
summary of PC browsers ... the values below are number of lives where each browser acts up:
gameroom 500
chrome 1000
firefox 2363
note ... resetting lives to 0 make retrieving lives easy again"
the April 2019 discussion is here(a lot of reading)
maybe @Crazy Cat Lad can get more information from the studio ... this may be a facebook issue
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I don't understand how to play here...
Someone can help me please ?
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hi @DavidSym
here is a good place to start ... Herb's hints
experienced players often use this as a refresher
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