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Alpha Betty won't load on the website, at all!!
Level 3
Works on FB but not the website. ???? It tries to load, then instead of showing the levels it goes to a blank or blue screen.
Hello @Sherry_Chapman A Warm Welcome Back to this lovely King Community 🤗
I am sorry to hear about the issue with the game!
When you said "website", are you referring to King.Com? If so, which browser are you using?
I have just opened on Edge, and it is working fine! In my experience, King.Com does not work if we have weak internet connection! May be that could be the issue?
Shall we do some basic trouble-shooting? Close all the browser windows and shutdown the computer for few minutes and reboot it -- now, do not open any other browsers and Apps BUT only Alpha Betty on See if that helps.
If not, please post back and let me know.
Talk to you soon! Have a great rest of the weekend!
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I have done everything in my power to get Alpha Betty to load. It says it's loading but stops with just 1/4 inch to go. All other games on play with no problem. HELP
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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
How about you tried to follow these troubleshooting steps of Crashing/Freezing issue/bug. (I hope haven't this happens! 😊)
You can click here if you have playing any device 👇and all of the supports solved by Community Team, then you can find and follow troubleshooting steps that I hope this helps. 😉
⚠️ NOTE ⚠️
If you want to try uninstall and install steps, you have your gold bars are saved/transfered but all of the boosters have lost and some events will be reset and gone.
If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊
Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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