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Why am I being asked for my address to make a purchase of gold bars?
Level 1
Why am I being asked for my address to make a purchase of gold bars?
Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
You can see Chicken Slayer the Superstar has answered player for similar your question that I hope you can understand to read it. 😊
Or you can click here to see similar question. 😊
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Have a mice day! 🐁
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Hi @AlphaBettyPuzzler and welcome to our Community!
Where in the game and who does ask for your address?
Please note that the in-game purchases are handled by the platform, e.g. Apple, Google, Facebook etc.
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Hi dear
When you purchase in game it Handel by fb and Your own store.
Its may be For Verification.
Look This comment 👇
Hope this helps have fun
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That's weird!!! I'm new here, is there a place that says -skip???
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