What makes moves be deducted?

Level 1
Trying to determine when and why moves are lowered
most likely a move stealer is blowing up
move stealers are like a time bomb
the "2" indicates that the bomb goes off in 2 moves
when it goes off 2 moves are lost
how is this prevented?
make the move stealer part of a word ... or blast it
one approach ... try to play move stealers early in the game
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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Do you mean "Move Stealer" blocker?
If the bomb is not destroyed by playing the letter or blasting before the end of the countdown in the bottom right, two moves will be lost.
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Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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You are most likely dealing with Move Stealers, @jaktoledo2020.
- If not used before the end of the countdown shown in the bottom right , two moves are lost.
- Behaves like a normal tile & falls with the other tiles.
- To destroy a Move Stealer, use them it a word or target it with a Line Blaster.
🔸 TIPS 🔸
- Destroy Moves Stealers early in a Level to avoid losing turns.
- Play Move Stealers in words or hit them with line blasters.
- Try to make longer words to create Line Blasters while dealing with the Moves Stealers.
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