I’m looking for assistance on completing level 889
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Here is helpful hint by @abe_coffee the Alphabetty Expert Player :
This is a helpful technique when playing word list levels: Make King Crowns to add bonus letters to a word. When making a King Crown (4-letter word) the crown will be added to a random tile. Best way to make really long words is to have letters with crowns on the tiles.
By the way, I will tagging @abe_coffee the Alphabetty Expert Player how he can help you to solve this level. 😉
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Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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hi @SCarter37
there is an example of level 889 on facebook
click on "examples" below(open in a new tab or a new window) ... scroll down to level 889(as shown here)
left click on the facebook image for level 889
scroll down to 17 moves remaining and left click to start stepping through the images
one approach to level 889 ... make 4 letter words to create crowns ... make 7 letter words to create 8-way blasters
how does this help make 10 letter words?
example ... see 10 moves left ... the word MAGGIES is a 7 letter word ... the blaster in MAGGIES hits 3 crowns resulting in a 10 letter word
another example ... see 7 moves left
summary ... flood the board with crowns(5 in this example) ... then blast crowns to make longer words
blasted crowns add to a word's length and most blasted crowns are returned to the board
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🔸 This ⬇️ video shows how to complete ABS Level 889.
🔸 Extra Tips 🔸
- Try to make a 7-letter word on the first move.
- Use Eskimouse (he removes 1 uncommon letter) to replace a bad tile with a blank tile.
- Create Crowns & then blast them when creating the longer words.
- Use Barney (he turns 3 tiles golden) to increase your score.
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- 26580 Points ---> 3 stars ... use barney to get a better score
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