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Word not accepted
Hi and welcome to the community.
Unfortunately this forum is for candy crush friends saga forum related queries so you should ask the question on the right forum. But dont worry we will move your post to right forum so you can find the correct answers from our experts.
But if any word is not available in game dictionary it will not be accepted.
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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
Unfortunately "Podunk" is not acceptable as this word is Building Name cannot be acceptable. You can match words are Things, Name, Animal and more simple words. 😊
If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊
Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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@mombo Hi and welcome. You would be better posting in the Alphabetty saga area but not to worry now as it will be moved. Unfortunately if your word is not in the game list it will not be accepted i have had a few words that were pretty strange but knew they were words that did not get accepted in this game. All you can do is keep going
Wish this game would make a comeback as completed alll levels with max stars / cheeses
Thank you
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Hi @mombo and Welcome to our Community
Please check this video for level 414
and Visit Alphabetty Community . To know updated the game
Thank you
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Hi @mombo and welcome to our Community!
If the word exists Oxford Dictionary of English, I will make sure it will get added to the game and accepted words.
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