Level 894

Level 1
How on earth do you pass this level? I know some levels are more difficult than others, but I've found the red "Hard" levels to be easier. I even bought 100 gold bars because I only had one bubble left after numerous attempts never being so close. I used all 100 bars and STILL couldn't pop the last bubble.
I've been playing it throughout the day and haven't had less than 4 bubbles on the board at the end of each game since the game with 1 bubble and 100 gold bars. I refuse to spend another cent. While I really enjoy the game, this is beyond ridiculous. Please tell me the trick...or magic word! I really want to CONTINUE enjoying it,
level 894 is not easy ... 76 bubbles in 27 moves
consider the quit button if blasters are not found the first few moves
one approach ... blast the magnets early in the game
mid game start making crowns
... use crowns to hit isolated bubbles located off the board
... use crowns to hit empty bubbles
... use crowns to hit isolated magnets located off the board
if you like screenshots ... open 'examples' below in a new tab or a new window
this example shows 7 blasters and 14 crowns
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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
You can see abe coffee has answered you how to pass this level without using boosters and extra moves soon. 😊
Daily Bonus (will be available from 12:00 pm to 14:00 pm) can still helping you to earn boosters on this game. 😊
** If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to find out exciting general contests then you join to answer it and you can chance to win gold bars in your King game's choice. 😊 **
Have a mice day! 🐁
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