Level 622 is broken, please get rid of it
hi @FeWi
you are playing a very unique level ... it is weird ... not broken
it is the most difficult level to get 3 stars ... but you do not care about that
it is possible to beat ... but you need 1000 points to get one star when you win
keep at it ... and celebrate when you beat it
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Hi @FeWi, welcome to the Community!
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Sorry, guys, the game is broken. Followed all of the instructions, won the level multiple times and it doesn't advance. Uninstalling :(
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did you get to 1000 points? ... if so post a screenshot with a loss at 1000 points
otherwise get 1000 points and the 2 plates
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Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
How about you tried these steps that I hope you can passed this level and nothing this happens :
If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊
Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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hi @FeWi
if all else fails try to get 1000 points and the 2 plates ... example is attached
the plates are gone with 3 moves left and 560 points ... the game continues
the plates are gone with 2 moves left and 950 points ... the game continues
the game is won with 120 more points
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