Lack of prizes in Alphabetty Saga
When I play Candy Crush on Facebook on my computer there are all kinds of opportunities to win boosters or get them free for completing levels and episodes. Why is this not also true for Alphabetty Saga? There are no spins to win, no daily calendar type thing, no mini-games, no prizes period for anything. Why?
You can win Boosters from the Booster Wheel that is available between 12 to 2 pm every day on this game.😊
If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊
Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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I've played this game for a couple of years now and never once had a booster wheel to spin at certain times of the day. I play on my laptop through FB. The fact that said boosters are only available by spin for a whiopping two hours a day says it all imo. Not once have boosters been offered for completing episodes or anything in the way that they are offered for Candy Crush.
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Hi @Charly-4, I understand your point as I feel the same way.
What I have come to learn is that the Games don't feature Booters uniformly and that you'll have Games like PRS where they are more than frequent & Games like ABS where they almost don't happen.
⬇️ Here is some extra info on how to earn items to use in your ABS Game.
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