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Hi. I am on level 712 on this IPad I signed up last weekend and my friends list has gone empty.
Hi. I am on level 712 on this IPad I signed up last weekend and my friends list has gone empty. Also I tried to sign to username Terry Ley .
so I had to create Smileyley as a new account,can I now merge the two accounts and keep my present level (712)
cheers Terry Ley
Welcome to Sweet King Community! 👑
How about you have clicked on "friends list" on King Games's Facebook Notification? (if you haven't clicked it yet) 🤔
Here is that link then you can skip to like my upper one here 👆 :
If you want to win gold bars on this game, you can click here to join and answer on this game's contests that you can chance to win gold bars. 😊
Have a nice and safety day! 😊
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Hi @Smileyley and welcome to our Community!
You can merge a Facebook account with a King account, but not two Facebook accounts or two King accounts.
Is sounds like you have two King accounts though? If so, what I can do is to manually restore the levels to the same level on your new account.
If you need to get the new account restored, please post your Game ID and I will fix it for you.
How to find the Game User ID? Check here.
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Hi there @Smileyley and good day to you.
Based on your enquiry, you did mentioned that you've tried to sign in the user name Terry Ley before you created the second account. Are you having issue signing in with Terry Ley? If yes, have you tried recovering your password by clicking on "forgot password" button?
If you have tried all the above and still fail to retrieve your password, then please provide your game ID as mentioned by Mr Crazy Cat Lad to get your level restored to your new account under Smileyley.
Hope to hear from you soon. Please let us know if you need help with other issues in the game.
Thank you 😊
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