Official Announcement regarding AlphaBetty Saga’s Development on Facebook
This game has NOT been updated for the iOS either. It says in the above message that it will be, but it hasn't in months. Is this another lie by King? I just want to know if I should delete it and save some space.
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welcome to the community
the map has been working well since March 25th
you are the first player to say otherwise ... which means you are special
what are your symptoms?
1) are the icons missing from your map?
2) do you have other issues?
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Such a shame
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Totally loving this game
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What I mean @abe_coffee is that I am at the "maximum" level - 920, and there are no updates - no new levels. If there aren't going to be any, as there haven't been in months, I'll just delete the app.
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am sorry I misunderstood your question
It has been over 2 years since level 920 was released ... it sure looks like level 920 is the final level
congrats on completing every level!
you might check out some of the other king games ... most of them are still getting new levels
have fun 🙂
🍮 🍮
keep track of your login info in case you decide to play in the future ... deleting the app will not change your login
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thanks for the info
I just asked why just a few moments, then somehow I got to this page, Thank You now I know the answer
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I miss this game
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It was an indication that in December of this year it will be removed☹️
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Looks like blossom blast is going the way of Alpha Betty
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