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Is this why I can't acces the store to buy tokens? I'm playing on my laptop still.
Best Answer
廾𝗂 @clairevbr, welcome to the Community!
ℹ️ In-app purchases for AlphaBetty Saga on Facebook were disabled on October 27th, 2020.
- Note that AlphaBetty Saga on iOS, Android & any other Mobile App Store is not affected by this decision & continues its development.
🔺 AlphaBetty Saga will no longer be available on Facebook after December 15th, 2020.
- Go HERE for more info on how to move your Game from Facebook to a mobile device & continue playing there.
廾𝗂 @clairevbr, welcome to the Community!
ℹ️ In-app purchases for AlphaBetty Saga on Facebook were disabled on October 27th, 2020.
- Note that AlphaBetty Saga on iOS, Android & any other Mobile App Store is not affected by this decision & continues its development.
🔺 AlphaBetty Saga will no longer be available on Facebook after December 15th, 2020.
- Go HERE for more info on how to move your Game from Facebook to a mobile device & continue playing there.
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Hi @clairevbr and welcome to our Community!
Since the game will be retired on Facebook soon the purchases have been disabled. You can continue playing and also make in-game purchases on mobile.
You can find all info on the thread @frenioz00 posted above.
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