Why did my friend list disappear on alphabetty
Level 1
Why did my friend list disappear on alphabetty
Hello there @jennyo3871 and good day to you!
Please ensure that your app is of the latest version in Google Play/App Store and update it accordingly if it needs to. Your device need at least 2GB to perform the update. After that, please refresh the app by restarting your device.
Go back to the game, play a level and check your message box and send some lives to your friends.
Alternately, you may disconnect your device from the internet without existing the game, wait for a minute or less before reconnecting it back to the internet. Play a level and check your message box and send some lives to your friends.
There has been issue with Facebook and it has been on-going for sometime and it is still being fixed.
If your game play is not significantly affected, please continue playing and if you desperately need lives from friends, let me know and I will share with you my personal experience.
Thank you and hope to hear from you soon 😊
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