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I'm looking for a good team I'm level 12
Hey, I'm currently the leader of "WOAH!" team, we are placed at about 15th right now with active spaces still. I personally have over 2k trophies now. Hope you can join and help us get in the top 10! :)
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Hey, Je cherche juste une équipe active dans le chat et dans le course de survie le reste m'importe peu!!
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De Vandals
Feel free to join, main goal is to get 1st place every season. Fresh team creates by me, I will make sure there will be players with activity. Currently #1 place on ranking, I hold over 3k thropies right now
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Join “ZeTeam”, we are in the top 10 rank as of today!
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Join TrophyNetwork. I had +40,000 trophies last season and carried my old clan to 1st. I recently created a new clan and I’m recruiting new members
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