I was able to find it last night but not now? I don’t understand this game haha
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Hey goomba, when can i enter the clan?
I checked the "edenia" clan, and am 100% sure im in the same server
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Ya I can also find edenia and the Russia one but not yours anymore, ?
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Hey guys go ahead and join Brazy Bandicoots, I made it to where there are 3 spots open so join quick before others and let me know once youre in so I can close off the spots!
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8 hours
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i'll make sure there is a spot open for ya :) and hey, do your trophies reset when you leave a club or no? if not, how many trophies are you holding right now?
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you may join now if you'd like! I have 3 spots open and we currently have 70k trophies, please join fast and let me know if there are ANY ERRORS!
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They do! But I’m holding out on cashing in steps, tickets and apples til I find a home,
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sounds good! just as long as you get at least 200 or so everyday I won't consider any termination!
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In my Crash we are the first is there like regions or something 😁 ?
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