Looking For An Active Team?
Join our team! Find us as "FreeRunners". We are looking for active teammates with thirst of glory! We are on the top 3 right now and we won't move from there!
If you are interested in joining us reply to this post with your Nick name and a Picture of your profile.
cool! thanks man! @GetHanked
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No worries good luck in your team hunt!
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@GetHanked do you know if i can repost this on that one you told me?
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Join our team! Find us as "FreeRunners". We are looking for active teammates with thirst of glory! We are on the top 3 right now and we won't move from there!
If you are interested in joining us reply to this post with your Nick name and a Picture of your profile.
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Hi guys 👋
Welcome to the COTR Community @Giloz! I have moved your discussion to the correct area, so that's all good 😉 To find your way around, you can use the burger menu on the top left corner (on mobile) to access the different areas:
You can also check our "Hot Right Now" thread here to make sure you make the most of it!
See you around ✌️
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Hey guys, how you doing? I was searching for active & competitive player and found your posts. Would be great to have you on the team if you still need one. Right now we are on 2nd place, and now I'm recruiting active players so we can take the 1st place.
Hola chicos, cómo están? Estaba en busca de jugadores activos & competitivos y encontré sus posts. Sería increíble tenerlos en el equipo si es que aún buscan uno. Ahora estamos en 2do lugar, y estoy reclutando jugadores activos para lograr llegar a 1er lugar.
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@Giloz hi I am a very active player and I would like to join your team
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@bobpizza2020 try to join now Bob, I just open one spot.
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@Giloz i have to leave my old team first
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