Team “Dash Dingo” Recruiting! (Currently 12th)
Hey! Team “Dash Dingo” is looking for more members to join the team! We are a family-friendly group looking for some new members of all ages to help contribute trophies and boost us back into the top 10! We’re only a group of 3 right now but looking to continue the competition as we head into the 2nd half of the season! All you got to do is play.
See you around!!
(FYI: Dash Dingo is a fictional video game character from the Simpsons based off of Crash Bandicoot)
Hey all, we’ve gained only a few members (5/30) and still looking to grow! We’re currently in 7th and have a big cushion to remain in the top 10 by the end of season. I’m at level 36 with 45K trophies, and could use another big-earner to help us climb next season.
Hope to see you on board! ✊
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Hey there! It’s the start of the 2nd season and the competition pool in our league seems light, which is good news for us! We’re currently 2nd but could use some reinforcements. I’m positive we can take 1st place! I have 27 tickets from the bandicoot pass so that’s a ton of trophies I’ll be earning. Hopefully I’ll see you on team Dash Dingo!
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