#1 Team SICILIA NUMERO UNO 10 spots left π²
Level 3
We're currently #1 Team,
Recruiting ONLY hyperactive players!
*Edited by CM: off-topic*
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Open your own topic mate! π
Our top 3 players in the team have 26k, 24k and 14k so far, andiamo vincere! Everybody is welcome not only Italians/Sicilians!
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Your team still have spots? what is your team name? I can't find, can you send a screenshot?
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Hi, me and a friend's are interested on joining. Actually we have 11936 and 5319 trophies (just to let you know, because if we join we start from 0). Can we join the team?
Actually our team is Serenity... But we want to change team because the leader isn*t playing
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Sure, we have some more spots left, you just have to wait 48hrs before changing teams. :/ But you're welcome :)
Team name is in the topic title, it's "SICILIA NUMERO 1". Benvenuti!
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Here's the screenshot, I'm rhe admin and top three players are Hyperactive. Welcome!
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