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Recruit for top ten
Hello everybody,I'm looking for people to make it to the top ten this season (we are missing less than 5000 trophies)and aim for the top 3 next season.We are an Italian team but everyone is welcome. We look forward to seeing you numerous and motivated to aim for the top.Thanks for your attention and good game runners.
Join TrophyNetwork. I had +40,000 trophies last season and carried my old clan to 1st. I recently created a new clan and Iโm recruiting new members
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Hi turnover duck,
Why do not you join us?In the end the team helped me in the final races and we got there in the top 10. With a runner like you we can achieve excellent results.Think about it my friend and in case we look forward to seeing you.I'm trying to bring together runners just like you. Anyway thanks for your attention and GG.
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@Cola95x I just started my own clan today and Iโm confident we can get 1st every month. Iโll show you the pictures from my old clan last month
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