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Would you like to win season award for free? -Just join our team already 1st place-
Last 27 hours.
Hi guys, we have team which is 1st place already. But we and 2. team has a just 7k different trophies each other’s.
There is one good thing for us, we are 27 people but they are 30(full)
We seeking 3 users who has min 2k trophies is enough for us. More than 2k preferable.
The name of the team Teamactive.
Just join us, and win 200 purple crystals and skins all awards without any effort. :)
PS: unfortunately the system deleted my trophies almost 35k and it is not affect to the team. I sent more than 10 mails but they didn’t help me like the other users. I stop to try this way. Just join us and win freely all awards. With me we could win easily, but now we have some problem :)
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