COTR Community the 2nd? Come here and get it started!
I'm glad to see you doing well even though you had a late start and have to deal with 30 man Teams while still having so many free spots. π
Keep up the good workππ»
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I'm sure we will get some reinforcements along the way, but this season looks promising ^^
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I just got my best performance ever on Turtle Woods
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Way to go, 700 trophies more for our team. Great job ^^
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Gg bro ! What is the speed about 500 - 600 ?
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You can try to pause the game to see it... But I think it might actually be 2.0.
Don't know if the Survival Run goes beyond double speed, but I sure know it can be hard to get a section to safely pause at that speed if the game doesn't play along. π
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The speed doesn't change after like 200 to 300. But the obstacles are usually more challenging later on in the run. There is a lot more holes to fall down.
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I think there is a last speed increase at 300 trophies (correct me if I'm wrong), but you get used to the speed at some point. So if we keep up the good work everyone here will get an even higher total trophy count, season by season ^^
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I just got by far my best run of all time in any survival run. I got 810 trophies.
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@MiamiCrash3 Oh wow, nicely done π
You are improving every day, keep it up πͺ
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