Looking for some crazy people
Hello everyone, I'm from a team called Aus Track Stars. We have placed first every season besides one where we believe our team lost to cheaters. Within the last week 2 members have decided to leave the game. I'm just here to recruit a few more active people. If you would like to give it a shot please do respond here.
1) level 40+ (if you are a top tier player but not above this an exception may be made)
2) 25k-50k trophies a season average
3) Be polite and keep profanity to a minimum
4) Not mandatory but I would suggest joining our discord chat
The leader of our team may also leave however his requirements are still going to be upheld to the max. If we as a team do not have competition feel free to save, take a break or just hangout until the new season starts. I appreciate you taking time to read this and I hope everyone has a good rest of their day.
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