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Crashers#1 recruiting now
searching for some active members for our, currently winning team (won for the third row right nowππ)
We are kind, active team communicating usually on discord and we share some common goals - to be first team every season (managed to be 1 both previous seasons), to play together and most of it, to enjoy the game!
If u wanna join and be our teammate, we have some rules we bound to obey, for ex: contributing at least 2k trophies each week, every week... - if not secured, last 2 bottom placed players are reduced (if they did not succeed to donate those +2k trophies on that week interval) so we are still active, competition worthy team.
We have also some inner team challanges and competitions even between each other which can grant u a nice titul upon your teammates same as some immunity from elimination for a next week.
If u wanna join, play with us, take the 1st spot prize each season and u are active and able to keep up with those rules of ours, just ping me here and I will make a spot for u.
Our team name: Crashers#1
Team id: 778366166
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