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if you want to win the best rewards & are active player will you please join “ PHILLY ON A RUN”..i have 15 teammates but aren’t active at all sooo can’t get past top 5 cause i’m by myself!! if acquire 2 or more players we will be top 3 every season for sure!!! join & let’s dominate an get all the rewards we deserve…looking forward to being your teammate
Hi MOE98,
Have you considered joining another team? If you are the only active player in your team then it will be impossible for you to win. My team is in 1st place with 29 hyperactive players and looking for one more motivated, active player. Let me know if you are interested in winning.
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What you up to dude? These posts are already on the find your team section. You are redirecting them back to the same section. Not helpful if that is your intent.
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