I noticed I was promoted to team leader.
Well, if you see that some players are inactive then kick them. If you don't like the name of the team or there are many inactive players then you can leave and create your own team. A leader needs to talk and try his best for the team, not just stay in the team and let others do the job for him. Are you new to this game?
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Thank you for your comment. Iโm not new to this game.
The information you provided was helpful.
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A few things I have noticed from being active in the group chats is if higher ranking players want you to kick out lower ranking players that are inactive or just do not score high enough sometimes you need to take their concerns on board. Because you can risk losing your active players to another teams. Also, communicate as much as possible. And to set weekly and daily goals for yourself, and maybe your team depending on the group dynamics. It is very important to lead and strategise.
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