Wanted Hyperactive Motivated Players 2.0
Motivated players wanted who will keep fighting when it comes down to it!! Players who don't hide under bugs/glithes in the game!
If we lose our place in the 1st place in the ranking, we will keep fighting to get back and keep our place!!
1000 trophies a day!
Missing the quota for two days without notice, you're out!
Are you the one we're looking for? Join our team Just vape now.
i would like to join your team if any places going. Was top of our team which came 4th on last season and 2nd the time before when we came 3rd. Team has now disbanded and I am no longer in one
what is your Team name please. Iโm Karma in game
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@irishkazza You are welcome to join us! Looking forward to your contributing to the team!!
Team name Just vape
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Hey Karma, I was just wondering is the team you were on, that disbanded, the Venky Bandicoots?
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Hi Karma, I was just wondering if the team you were on was the Venky Bandicoots?
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i would like to join the team, im very active
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