Looking For An Active Team?
@Giloz and if I leave my team now I have to wait two days to join a new team
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@Giloz if I leave my team now can you still have a spot open for me to join
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@bobpizza2020 dont worry bro, I am the leader of the Sacred Isoodons team and i have many places open for you, so if you want you can join 😁😁, we are currently in 3rd place with the objetive of reaching 2nd, i just want you to be active 😉😉, here i hope for you 😎😎
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@bobpizza2020 yes, I’ll open it for you, don’t worry. Just post me whenever you can join a team again and I’ll open a spot. We are glad that you are joining us.
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@Giloz i
i just joined your team but I had to make a new account. I couldn’t sign into my old account. My name on your team list is king12440843459
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@Giloz i had to make a new account so a could send messages to you
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@bobpizza2020 ok, I just saw you. Great you told me ‘cause I was gonna kick you out haha. I hope you didn’t lose much progress on your other account. Anyway, if you find how to take it back just let me know and I’ll help you to get that account in the team. ;)
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@Giloz i am still log in in the game but for some reason when I try to log in
on the website it says the email doesn’t match any accounts
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@Giloz and thank you for letting me join your team
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