COTR Community the 2nd? Come here and get it started!
Thanks, I will try lol.
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I will make some survival runs later today, so we should get an even higher lead to the 2nd team ^^
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Salut la team je viens de vous rejoindre
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Hi guys, we have 2 others friends in the team ๐๐
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We now have 9 members and a large first place lead, very awesome to see how our team is doing.
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Update on our team everyone, we are doing amazing and are up to 12 members now. Keep up the excellent work everyone.
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It's only 2 weeks till season end. I think we should be able to maintain the first place. Good job everyone ๐ช
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I also got a new highscore in survival runs. I'm slowly getting used to the speed and usually only die when I'm getting too brain afk during the run ๐
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Congrats, once you get use to the obstacles and the layouts then it becomes easier to get a higher score.
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I'm so upset. I was having my best survival run of all time, I was up to like 850 trophies and then the game crashed ๐ญ.
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