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What's past level 920?
Can I get my game reset please? My ID is 14056294450
This discussion was created from comments split from: How start all over in the game?.0
Hi @Amy_Turner_Reed! I moved your comment to this thread that is in the same topic.
I have reset your game now. Please clear the cache and cookies on your browser and reinstall the app on on your mobile devices before opening the game. The browser and device cache can otherwise restore the levels back to 920.
Have a Mice weekend!0 -
I have completed all the levels and would like to start over. Can you reset my game? Thanks!
0 -
I would like to have my game reset to level 1 please.ID 12944737190
Hi @florencetassoni and welcome to our Community!
I moved your comment to this thread that is in the same topic.
I have reset your game to level 1. Please clear the cache and cookies on your browser before opening the game. The browser and device cache can otherwise restore the levels back to 920.
0 -
Please reset my game to 1. Game ID: 5592813894.
Thank You!!0 -
Please reset my game to level 1. ID: 5592813894.0
Hi, I would like to restart the game from level 1. My ID: 1397620151. Thank you.
This discussion has been closed.
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