Level 2254, blank level! (This has been fixed)!
Level 2254 is just blank. Nothing happens.
Farm Heroes Saga 2618 Game Freezing
I've been playing this game on and off all day today, and, usually just when I'm getting somewhere with it, the game freezes. I can't end the game early, the only thing I can do is refresh the page. I'm losing beans on this, and being left with odd shovels. The game I'm playing is the old format, not the 'new' one.
Next levels
I have been stuck on level 925 for 5 days. The countdown clock isn't moving. If it can't be fixed I will have to delete the game
Newbies, This message is for you! (Part Two)
In the Support
area you can ask your question about any of the game issues. You
can also read what other players wrote and please feel free to add your
comments to any of the messages. If you are having difficulty with a
level or you think that you might have found a glitch, you can check it out in
this area. Our…
Farm Hereos wont load
My browser is up tp date but game will still not load. Just says OOPs something is wrong Refresh. Why wont it load? All other games load except Farm Hereos
How do I complete level 2316
How do I complete level 2316 - I have been stuck on it for 1 week and used all my magic beans and boosters
Game resarted
I have already crossed 897 level pls reset my game from level 897
Magic Beans
When I have beans and have choices of how to play I always choose free. However, the game eats up all my beans as long as I have any. I am being cheated by this game. Whatever am I doing wrong>
2659 impossible to solve
Under these conditions, I don't think they can pass this level, can anyone help? I informed the support, they said to consult youtube, this level is very recent and without solution. help please.