Level 1946
i finished level 1945, and now says that next level come soon. It happens 4 days ago. i have already caught all animals how many days a have to wait? best regards Rosa
(Unsupported language) Level 2391
Hallo, normal ist es.... Wenn Wassertropfen auf Heuhaufen trifft wird das Feld zu Heu, damit das Lamm es aufessen kann. Bei wird es aber wieder grün, es ist so unmöglich das Spiel zu beenden. Was soll ich tun?
Levels wont open
After getting the new update to the game (playing on laptop) the levels won't open ?
Technical issue with gifts
Hello from past 1 week I am not receiving gifts are completion of my tasks. I am missing on so many gifts till now. Please some one help 😞
How do I move the bull
I know you have to match 3 crospsie above, below or next to the bull. This will move him up and down the column he is in or across the row he is in. How do we get him into a different column or row?
Help with a level
it is impossible to pass this level with 18 movements, 14 black boards cannot be picked up
I haven't had any new challenges or events in over a week is anyone else having this problem
2559 Doable?
I am stuck on lvl 2559 and am beginning to believe it is cannot be done. I use the grower, 3 spades and the other boosters. Any ideas please?
Help with level 2133 please
Any advice?